“Thank you for calling In3rgy.. My name is (YOUR NAME). Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?” “And before I proceed, can you provide me with a good phone number to call you back at in case we get disconnected.” How can I help?

Address the client’s concern and proceed with explaining what we do and ask for the QUALIFYING QUESTIONS.


Thank you for you for reaching out to explain a little bit about what we do. We specialize in credit restoration. We are helping our clients work on their credit to get back on track again!
I just need to ask you a few simple questions to get started.

  • Why are you wanting to improve your credit?
  • Have you worked with another credit repair company in the past 6 months?
  • Are you in the middle of a bankruptcy process or have had a discharge/dismissal within 6 months?
  • Are you currently late on any open accounts?
  • Are you familiar with how our program works?
  • Finally, what is your timeline for your goal?

Based on the information you just gave me, it sounds like you may be a candidate for our program. Would you be interested to hear about the process?

  • IF YES,  Proceed in explaining the PROCESS
  • IF NO, I understand that today might not be a good time. Let me call back tomorrow, would that be fine with you?
    • IF YES, Schedule a call back and do the CLOSING SPIEL.
    • IF NO,  Ask for a good time to call back, schedule, do the CLOSING SPIEL.